Saturday 28 May 2011

Nepal’s Sherpa trade union, plants the ITUC flag on the summit of Mount Everest,

Brussels/Kathmandu, 27 May 2011 (ITUC OnLine): A member of Nepal’s Sherpa trade union, Dorje Khatri, yesterday planted the ITUC flag on the summit of Mount Everest, symbolising the trade union commitment to protecting the planet from climate change. Sherpa Dorje and his team placed the flag at 06.30 on 26 May and are now descending from the peak. Dorje’s organisation, the Union of Trekking, Travel, Rafting and Airline Workers, belongs to ITUC Nepalese affiliate GEFONT, which said today that the ascent was to “draw attention of the international community that our planet is melting down”.
For more information on the ascent of Everest, see:

Media advice from ITUC. Which represents 175 million workers in 151 countries and territories and has 305 national affiliates. and