Friday, 26 September 2014

Have you visited the Sustainlabour web site !!!

The initiative 
Sustainlabour was founded and has grown with the belief that workers can play a fundamental role in the route to a sustainable world. Trade unions are in a unique position to stimulate the social aspects of sustainable development while at the same time can contribute to the economic and environmental dimensions.
Workplaces are at the centre of production and consumption, therefore they should be central locations in any effort aimed to change production and consumption patterns at local, national and international levels..

Our vision
We envision a world:
  • which is just and egalitarian for the present generation and for the generations to come.
  • where finite resources are fairly distributed and sustainability is ensured.
  • where environmental and social needs are taken into account as much as the economic ones.
  • where human rights- including workers’ rights and the environment are universally respected.
How we work.
  • Involving Trade Union in environmental debates
  • Integrating labour issues in the environmental agenda
  • Encouraging changes that are in favour of the environment and workers
So far, we have worked with more than 200 trade unions from 90 counties. More than 1,000 unionists from all over the world have been part of our training activities, and much more receive our materials by electronic means and thanks to the huge power of multiplication of trade unions.
What we stand for
The current model of development is socially unfair and environmentally unsustainable. This means the world must and will change. It also means that our production and consumption models will undergo a deep transformation. Understanding these changes and its consequences for workers and their communities is one of the major challenges the Trade Union movement needs to address. Therefore, we, the workers and the Trade Unions, should organise and strategise a debate and decide on our courses of action.

We at Sustainlabour firmly believe a sustainable and fair development requires broader labour rights along with environmental protection. The creation of decent and environmentaly responsible jobs is the only way to guarantee the livelihoods of the millions of workers that live today on this planet.