Monday, 22 September 2014

Public Services workers and unions join New York climate march

The global trade union federation Public Services International (PSI) demands new policies and actions from the heads of state gathered at the UN in New York. Workers and trade unions will add their numbers to create the largest ever climate demonstration.

PSI General Secretary Rosa Pavanelli says Too many years have been wasted because of the lobby of the energy corporations and the climate change deniers. We are bringing forth the voice of energy workers and trade unions demanding real change from governments.

On 20 September, PSI and unions from approximately 30 countries will meet at Cornell Universitys Trade Unions for Energy Democracy from 9.30am at Cornell Conference Center, 16 East 34th Street, New York City. Rosa will be a respondent following Naomi Kleins presentation of her new novel "This Changes Everything: Capitalism vs. the Climate."

The experiences of trade unions around the world confirm that the big energy corporations are not funding renewable energy, says Ms. Pavanelli.

Developed countries remain tied to fossil fuels, and too many rely on diesel generators. Energy corporations put huge pressure on governments to privatise their energy systems, to turn the whole sector over to the market. This recipe is leading to disaster. We are here to make change. Our future depends on it.

PSI represents energy workers in countries North and South who work in public electricity systems, in unbundled and privatised systems, and in a mix of both. Trade unions affiliated to PSI are dealing with the consequences of privatisation in this industry on a daily basis.

Says Pavanelli, PSI and its affiliate organisations are building alliances with progressive actors; sponsoring research; focusing on national and local initiatives. We are working on both mitigation (actions to reduce carbon emissions), and adaptation (actions to deal with the changing climate). The issues are too important and too urgent.

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