TUAC (Trade Union Advisory Committee to the OECD) has published a
‘Trade Union Checklist on Public-Private Partnerships, based on the OECD
principles for public governance of Public-Private Partnerships’. The checklist covers the institutional
framework, selection of PPPs based on the value for money principle and budget
transparency and, integrity of the procurement process. There is no strong critique of PPPs.
The checklist is structured in 8 chapters, first looking at:
And from there, going through the key steps in the procurement process
The checklist is available from here or
Advice from TUAC web site
The checklist is structured in 8 chapters, first looking at:
- Mapping out the key players and their responsibilities;
- Consultation of stakeholders;
- Decision to invest & procurement option pre-test;
- Risk identification and risk transfer;
- Measuring and controlling for public sector exposure;
- Ensuring competition and responsible business conduct;
- Monitoring; and
- Contract negotiation & re-negotiation.
And from there, going through the key steps in the procurement process
The checklist is available from here or
Advice from TUAC web site