paper looks at the experience of building coalitions between public
employees from the trade unions SINTRACUAVALLE and SINTRAMBIENTE and
members of the community aqueduct in La Sirena, beginning in 2008.
Through a labour-community alliance, they collaborated to repair leaks
and improve the aqueduct’s metering techniques, tariff structure and
billing methods, putting it on the path to greater social and financial
sustainability. - See more at:
work of the ants: Labour and community reinventing public water in
Bélanger Dumontier, Susan Spronk and Adrian Murray
***Español abajo***
Water services in Colombia’s rural and peri-urban areas have
traditionally been delivered by a rich variety of autonomous
community-owned aqueducts. This action-research project documents the
struggles to preserve and reinforce this alternative to both private and
‘state’ modes of service delivery.
The paper looks at the experience of building coalitions between public
employees from the trade unions SINTRACUAVALLE and SINTRAMBIENTE and
members of the community aqueduct in La Sirena. The authors present
operational, administrative and environmental achievements; they analyze
the solidarities built in the process as well as challenges, and draw
lessons that can be applied in the development of labour-community
alliances for ‘public’ services elsewhere in the world.