Wednesday, 23 November 2016

PSI affiliates unions in Indonesia -"SP Perjuangan PLN, PP Indonesia Power and SP PJB - at ADB Indonesia Resident Mission Office in Jakarta for the stakeholders meeting on "Orientation on the ADB Accountability Mechanism".

PSI affiliates unions in Indonesia -"SP Perjuangan PLN, PP Indonesia Power and SP PJB - at ADB Indonesia Resident Mission Office in Jakarta for the stakeholdersmeeting on "Orientation on the ADB Accountability Mechanism".
The Accountability Mechanism Policy (…/accountability-mechanism-policy-2012), allow people adversely affected by ADB-assisted projects to seek more effective remedies to their complaints.
The Accountability Mechanism has two separate offices: the Office of the Special Project Facilitator (OSPF) and the Office of the Compliance Review Panel (OCRP), which support the Compliance Review Panel (CRP). The OSPF and OCRP work jointly in conducting outreach activities aimed at making the mechanism better known and understood both within and outside ADB. They support the Special Project Facilitator (SPF) and the CRP in carrying out the separate functions of problem solving and compliance review. The problem solving function, led by the SPF, focuses on problem solving and finding satisfactory solutions to problems caused, or is likely to be caused by ADB-assisted projects. The compliance review function, primarily implemented by the independent CRP, focuses on ADB’s accountability on whether it has or has not complied with its operational policies and procedures in the preparation and implementation of ADB-funded projects that affect or may affect local people directly, materially, and adversely.
The proposed orientation is to familiarize the stakeholders of ADB with the procedure in accessing the Accountability Mechanism and the lessons learnt from the recent compliance review and problem solving cases

Advice from PSI AP face book page by Indah Budiarti - PSI AP Organising and Communication Coordinator (Asia and Pacific Regional Office) at PSI - Public Services International