LabourStart has advised its very pleased to announce
today the publication of LabourStart's newest book - The Strangers Among Us: Tales from a Global Migrant Worker Movement.
It's our first book in more than two years and they think it's a
very good one .
This 136 page paperback book tells the story of successful
organizing of migrant workers around the world. Edited by
Joseph B. Atkins, ten different writers take on migrant workers
struggles in the USA, China, India, Gibraltar, Israel, Japan,
Singapore and Argentina. There's even a short chapter about
LabourStart and our campaigns.
Learn more about the book and order your copy here.
I think it makes the perfect holiday season present for the trade
unionists in your life. Please do check it out, and spread
the word to your friends, family and fellow union members.
Thank you

Eric Lee