The 11 pro FTT are France, Italy, Spain, Germany , Austria, Belgium, Estonia, Greece, Portugal, Slovakia and Slovenia.
The next steps are
- European Commission submits a FTT
proposal likely to be based on the existing proposal of 0.1%
on stock and bonds and 0.01% on derivatives
- EU parliament gives its assent
(EP has already expressed its support its support for an EU FTT
- European Council’s qualified majority
vote to go ahead with the enhanced procedure
EU tax Commissioner Śemeta said "Today we have received a clear – and very welcome - signal that there will be enough member states on board for an EU Financial Transactions Tax," … "I proposed this tax as a source of new revenue from an under-taxed sector, and a means of encouraging more responsible trading. It would also prevent a patchwork of national bank taxes from creating difficulties for businesses in the Single Market," he added.
This is a big success for all FTT campaigners and an encouragement to others to join in.
Advice from EPSU Secretariat