A link to Dr Toner's paper can be found in our earlier item here: Electricity Privatisation in Australia - A Briefing Note
The recent media reports highlight the need for alternate views from Infrastructure Australia and the Australian Productivity Commission to be discussed. Macroeconomic issues are not the only consideration, but outcomes for all parts of Australian society. Outcomes like regional employment, skills and training, the value of public sector owned and operated infrastructure that not only meet the community's needs, but build regional jobs. Australian ownership of our nation's critical national infrastructure shouldn't be placed in the hands of foreign government corporations owned or indirectly controlled by foreign laws. Only public sector ownership can guarantee Australian ownership, ensure all citizens can hold our governments accountable for public services through the ballot box and that all citizens receive good quality essential public services.
We can no longer allow the burden of foreign debt to build with the sale of public sector assets.
The ASU will be responding to the Productivity Commission and Infrastructure Australia's views as we have in the past when Infrastructure Australia looked to remove waste collection and water services from local government.
For more details, please see our earlier items:
by Greg Mclean gmclean@syd.asu.asn.au