Friday, 18 January 2013

Australia - Bush Fires - local government and electricity supply Over the last weeks, the weeks ahead and every year bush fires ignite parts of our country Local Govt Workers and Electricity Distribution and Transmission workers play a critical role.

From electricity supply switching, bush management , restoration , emergency management , emergency call centres and much more - To local government workers , using  trucks, local govt plant operators and emergency crews, administration and coordination , have played a critical roll , all using local infrastructure all based in their local communities to help defend homes, properties,  towns,  regional centres and outer parts of our large metropolitan cities- often only because these plant items and infrastructure are based in the local towns , not out of town contractors.

Its not just the day to day local services of Local Govt and Local Electricity supply Workers that build our communities, that are locally employed and keep jobs, services and more local jobs in our communities, that protect and grow our communities, but its times of community emergency where local govt and electricity supply plays a stronger and more critical role. 

After the fires have passed it will be Local Govt Workers, and Electricity Workers that clean up and start the rebuild of critical and community services , from electricity poles and wires, substations , equipment supply. planning and use of call centers and much more, though to Council  roads, infrastructure, plant and equipment, community amenities and essential services - and if manged the right way including through local employment - will see money well spent in the local, communities to provide additional employment opportunities, local money re-spend, buying locally, from shop keepers and retailers to supply councils and electricity, water supply and rebuilding opportunities for the whole community.  

Its also critical our Federal Government and State Government work with Local Government, including funding , financial grants and special assistance to ensure local govt can rebuild its communities and that state govt owned electricity industry corporations, keep their staffing levels as they are to ensure rebuild of supply but again  local jobs , not out of town contractors ( that take the money, plant and equipment with them when the leave) rebuilding through direct local govt, electricity corporations and water industry corporations, helps keep local community jobs and rebuilds communities many times over .  

Not only, the ASU but the international unions such as the EPSU ( and the union movement representing Local Govt and Electricity workers PSI ( ) the public services international and other unions with members working in these areas recognize this commitment, but have  passed their concerns along with recognition and best wishes for their communities and their safety , to ASU Members at this time. 

ASU Members have also been working working as SES and Voluntary Bush fire or Regional fire services brigades, as well as direct local govt and electricity work at this time.

Again thank you to these ASU members, their families, their communities for their hard work and employers that support these efforts. 

Greg Mclean OAM