Tuesday, 23 April 2013

Australia - Anti privatization in QLD and Anti privatization in NSW

 http://gregmclean.blogspot.com.au/2013/04/anti-privatization-in-qld-and-anti.html  The following links have been passed onto me, they show strong voter resentment to electricity privatisation in Qld , the links can also be located from the http://www.together.org.au/stay-informed-news/member-emails/privatisation-will-mean-a-one-term-government./

·         Anti privatization in NSW NSW anti electricity privatisation – a similar pole was reported in the SMH recently

A new Fairfax Media-Nielsen poll shows that 75 per cent of people surveyed would oppose selling the state's ''poles and wires'' - the part of the industry regarded by experts as the primary cause of power price increases.