Tuesday 10 March 2015

Sydney Australia ---- Rally against the TPP Friday March 13, 12.30pm DFAT office, 123 Pitt St, Sydney, north of Martin Place, past Angel Place

The TPP secret negotiations between Australia, the US, Japan and nine other countries are still dragging on. The US is driving the agenda on behalf of its pharmaceutical, media, tobacco and other industries. The danger is that our government will agree to shameful deals for higher medicine prices and allow foreign companies to sue governments over health, environment and workers’ rights.

But our campaign is growing and is having an impact. See the GetUp video, the front page story on TPP dangers to health in the Sydney Morning Herald, The Age and the Canberra Times and the contaminated berries story in the Guardian on how the TPP could prevent government regulation of imported food.
TPP negotiators are meeting secretly again on March 13, in the US.
Say no to shameful deals and call for the release of the TPP text before it is signed !
Join us on Friday March 13 at 12.30 pm outside the Department of Foreign Affairs and Trade office, Angel Place Bldg, 123 Pitt St, Sydney (north of Martin Place, past Angel Place).

Advice from AFTINET