Wednesday 10 June 2015

ITUC News June 2015

International Trade Union Confederation

N°63 / June 2015



Governments around the world are lagging behind urgent demands to address climate change, with people voicing overwhelming support – particularly in developing countries – for immediate action, the latest ITUC poll revealed.

The ITUC has called on the United States, the European Union and other negotiating partners to build a trading system for the common good, after recent leaks from secret trade negotiations revealed worrying details for workers.

Just one in five of people in western economies like France, Germany, the UK and the US agree that corporations can be trusted with their global workforce, according to a new poll commissioned by the ITUC.

Inequality is squeezing families and choking growth, according to a new poll from the ITUC released at the OECD Forum in Paris, the annual meeting of high income developed economies.

The announcement that FIFA President Sepp Blatter will step down gives hope to Qatar’s migrant workforce that FIFA may finally come onto their side, but exposes Qatar to the possible loss of the World Cup if it fails to reform its labour laws in the coming months.


“Qatar needs to wake up to the reality that the world will not accept a World Cup built on modern slavery.”
- Sharan Burrow, ITUC General Secretary -

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