Friday 26 June 2015

Latest news from EPSU - whats happening in Europe


European Federation of Public Service Unions


European Parliament Environment Committee formally supports Human Right to Water
(25 June 2015) This morning the Environment and Public Health Committee together with the Development one voted by an absolute majority to send a strong message to the European Commission to act on the Human Right to water. The Report by the Irish MEP Lynn Boylan (GUE/NGL) was voted and it will (...)


Brussels, 25 June 2015 The European Trade Union Institute (ETUI) last week issued edition 11 of the HesaMag (Health and Safety Magazine) with a special report entitled "The nursing world at tipping point". It is focusing on the challenges and problems to the health and safety of health workers, (...)
(25 June 2015) The European Union economy is picking up again, but many factors are uncertain and it is not clear if the recovery will persist, could be the summary of a discussion on the state of the European economy in the macro-economic dialogue. The trade union side is more cautious also (...)
(24 June 2015) As our energy supply is at the heart of climate change, we want the energy workers to be at the heart of policies to combat climate change. They and their companies hold the key to whether we achieve ambitious climate goals or not. Changes in energy policy policies directly (...)
(24 June 2015) This week negotiations on the final text for the Sustainable Development Goals are taking place in the UN. The outcome should be the final agreement that world leaders will sign for in the Summit in September. We ask you to lobby your governments to include references to Decent (...)
(24 June 2015) One of the core priorities of the Juncker Commission is the establishment of an Energy Union. It should assist the EU in facing the challenge of climate change and especially energy dependency. In line with the commitment of Juncker to favour the social dialogue, the (...)
(ETUCE-EPSU Press Release Brussels, 23 June 2015 - Embargoed until 23rd June 10am) On 23 June the significant value and virtues of public services are celebrated around the world. In the context reaching agreement on the Post-2015 Development Agenda including the Sustainable Development Goals (...)
(23 June 2015) Addressing the increase of precarious work, opposing the privatisation campaign of the rightwing government, formulating the collective bargaining agenda for the new period and reflecting on the importance of the forthcoming elections, close to 200 delegates of the Portuguese (...)
(23 June 2015) Europe’s trade unions are in full support with the demands of Greek workers and the unions to end the austerity policies imposed on Greece. Greek workers should not be asked for more pension cuts nor for more labour market liberalisation. Debt relief and investment in the Greek (...)
EPSU Statement – 23 June 2015 On 2 June, the EU Social Dialogue Committee for Central Government, led by EPSU for the trade union side, adopted a joint response to the EC Consultation on a possible consolidation of three EU directives dealing with workers’ rights to information and consultation (...)
(23 June 2015) Tax revenue is the most important, reliable and sustainable instrument to resource human rights says a statement of an international coalition of tax justice groups including several with whom PSI and EPSU have collaborated. The statement is part of a global action week to draw (...)
Second European Conference of Trade Union Services for Migrants 15-16 June 2015 Brussels REPORT This conference was organised by ETUC to expose the results accomplished by the network of Union Migrant Net, and to discuss its future. Union Migrant Net is a social on-line platform created by ETUC (...)
(19 June 2015) Below the latest update from EPSU that focuses on trade and public services. This edition focuses on: the vote on 10 June in the European Parliament (EP) on the EP report on TTIP recent exchanges with the European Commission (EC) on health and TTIP, and developments (...)
(Joint Press Release EPSU-ETUC, 17 June 2015, Brussels) The European Commission has issued its new action plan entitled A fairer corporate tax system in the EU today. Europe’s trade unions support a fairer and more efficient corporate tax regime addressing tax avoidance which is robbing society (...)

General secetary
(25 June 2015) While bicycling to a meeting with European Commission Vice-president Sefkovic to discuss the European Energy Union I recalled our meeting on the European Citizens Initiative Right2Water on 17 February last year and the publication of the Commission response in March. Today, a year later, the discussion has moved to the European Parliament. The Irish MEP Lynn Boylan has done a good job to reflect the demands of the ECI in her report. Close to 250 amendments have been introduced however. Some amendments from Conservatives seek to deny people the human right to water. Others promote public-private partnerships or are viciously disingenuous in saying one thing but knowingly intending the complete opposite effect. Supporters of R2W have sent close to 5.000 emails to Members of the Committee persuading them to vote in favour of the report and compromise amendments read more