Sunday 26 July 2015

Australian Labor Party National Conference Resolvs to support Local Government at times of Natural Disaster  New Policy


Local governments are  more often than not the first to respond to natural disasters 

labor sees local governments as a key partner in emergency managment , 

 Labor believes local governments' important role must be recognised , supported and directly funded... including for clean up and reconstruction efforts, as well as being part of discussions with federal and state governments in terms of natural disaster funding distribution and mitigation.


Some of my points when speaking in support of the Resolution

Yesterday we adopted a wide and inclusive local government policy 

This resolution is a missing part of the policy 

Local government services varies across the country from the guys onn bondi rescue , waste management,  environmental and climate change,  social and community services , planning and more

It provides jobs in our local communities,  with money being on spent for local jobs and services , skills and more.

It provides thd sports fields that our olympic athletes , foot ball players, cricketters , and more learn their skills,  along with the community that uses these fields 

It provides libraries,  art gallaries, civic centres , cultural recognition and support, 

But it also cleans up after natural disasters - fallen trees, damaged property, flooded towns, bush fires and more.

In the past local government had access to funding from the government to repair and make safe 

The Abbott government has removed this funding,  

That means that a council does not have access to special funding

It means that repairs , clean up and make safe , now councils do not have access to this specific funding 

Thus means councils that face natural disasters will have to manage and fund out of their own budgets and intern decide what council service or program to not support or reduce. ...less library services , community services or more.

This resolution calls for the reintroduction of direct funding, to our communities through local government 

Support the resolution 

Thanks to Shadows Collins and Perrett for their assistance on this policy resolution and the local government policy "