Tuesday 7 July 2015

ITUC - July Bulletin

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International Trade Union Confederation

N°64 / July 2015



In a landmark decision, Korea’s Supreme Court has now ruled that undocumented migrant workers have the right to unionise, eight years after the migrant workers’ trade union MTU first launched its legal actiong in Nigeria.

The ITUC has called on FC Barcelona “socis” (voting members) and fans to end the club’s Qatar Airways sponsorship, saying that the airline is the very worst sponsor for a club with a 100-year tradition of democracy and universality.

Swazi human rights lawyer Thulani Maseko and journalist Bheki Makhubu are being released from prison in Swaziland two weeks before the end of their sentences for criticising the lack of independence of the judiciary, following sustained international pressure.

In the past few years a political and moral shift has occurred among growing numbers of political leaders which has secured rights and protections for 15 million domestic workers today. Their lives have improved by shifting away from unprotected and exploitative jobs to ones protected by labour laws.

Despite some 250,000 people taking to the streets of London last weekend for the first major national mobilisation against the austerity agenda of the Conservative government, Chancellor George Osborne has just announced plans to slash the welfare budget by £12 billion (approximately €16.7 billion).


“Pope Francis emphasises what the labour movement knows from experience: ‘that in the absence of pressure from citizens, political authorities will always be reluctant to intervene’.”
- Sharan Burrow, ITUC General Secretary -

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29 September/2 October 2015 - Paris, France
13th ETUC Congress
9-12 October 2015 - Sao Paulo, Brasil
15th Meeting of the ITUC General Council

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