Monday 27 July 2015

Trade Unions for Energy Democracy

 Bulletin 31, July 24, 2015

The Battle for Greece: TUED in Athens
The Greek parliament has agreed to sign the "Third Memorandum" and thus avoid "Grexit" from the European Monetary Union. But can the terms of the memorandum be implemented?  And why is energy a key issue?  TUED coordinator Sean Sweeney's presentation titled "Memorandum or Grexit?" to the Democracy Rising conference in Athens on July 18th is here.

Video: Syriza MP Costas Lapavitsas makes the case for rejecting the "Third Memorandum" and Leaving the Eurozone.  Real News TV

Lapavitsas' speech in Athens on July 17, 2015, has triggered an intense debate about the options that were available to the Syriza government -- and may be available in future.

Photographs:  Banner unfurled by Greek Communist Party KKE mocks Prime Minister Tsipras. President of the Greek parliament Zoe Konstantopoulou (Syriza) talks to attendees at the Democracy Rising conference

 A new TUED working paper titled Power to the People: Toward Democratic Control of Electricity Generation shows how “another energy is possible, and absolutely necessary.”  The paper documents how and where energy democracy is expressing itself - and argues that public renewable power can drive the energy revolution the world needs. Union leaders from different sectors have welcomed the report.

Recent Postings:

UK: Is the 'dash for gas' frackturing the labor movement? Within days of the gas union GMB signing a charter with the gas industry to develop fracking, Britain's largest union urges its members to join an anti-fracking demonstration. And public services union leader Chris Baugh challenges the GMB's pro-fracking logic.

Argentina: The Workers Central of Argentina (CTA) works with Mapuche indigenous communities to spread the word about the impacts of drilling shale gas and oil. Excellent documentary with English subtitles (thanks to CTA).
South Africa: Largest union NUMSA and allies address the energy crisis, asserts need for public ownership. See statement from meeting in Johannesburg "The crisis calls for a transition to a low-carbon economy and the dismantling of the Minerals-Energy Complex." PDF version here

Need more information about energy democracy or TUED?  Visit our resource page and take a look at our working papers series (y también en español)