Wednesday 29 July 2015

Update from AFSCME


Union Momentum Catching Public Eye

Headlines across the country are pointing out the momentum that our union, AFSCME, and others are gaining. Why? Because Americans are fed up with the deck being stacked against them and they’re seeing how unions are the answer – bringing better pay, benefits and even happiness!

We’ve signed up more than 140,000 new members during the past year. Read more about a big threat that’s looming with the Supreme Court and learn how you can help make a difference.

Ohio Rejects Union’s Cheaper Food Service Bid

After bids were submitted to handle Ohio’s troubled prison food services run by Aramark, where maggots were found in the food in several institutions, the state determined it would continue with Aramark’s services and reject OCSEA’s bid – a bid that would have saved taxpayers $2.9 million a year.

Minnesota vs. Wisconsin: a Tale of Two States

Now that he’s officially running for President, let's take a look to see just how disastrous Scott Walker has been for Wisconsin’s economy. While Walker was busy busting unions and redistributing wealth to the richest 1%, Minnesota Governor Dayton was investing in education and expanding collective bargaining.

Florida Budget Winners: a Select Few

Florida Gov. Rick Scott approved a $78 billion budget after vetoing more than $461 million in critical education and health care programs and cutting more than 1,100 public employee jobs. So what didn’t Governor Scott veto? A huge tax break for yacht owners.

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AFSCME | 1625 L St. NW, Washington, D.C. 20036
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