Friday 30 October 2015

European Federation of Public Service Unions - latest bulletin

EPSU tells Commission: Following Starbucks and Fiat decisions, go after McDonald’s and the rest...

Press Release – Brussels, 21st October 2015 – The European Public Service Union (EPSU) welcomes today’s landmark decision by Competition Commissioner Vestager that the tax rulings granted to Starbucks in the Netherlands and Fiat Finance in Luxembourg constitute illegal state aid. It sends a (...)

Transparency on tax rulings must have a deterrent effect, says EPSU representing tax inspectors

(EPSU press release - 27 October 2015) The European Federation of Public Service Unions (EPSU) calls on the European Parliament to strengthen the proposed directive on Automatic Exchange of Information (AEoI) on tax rulings with a view to : Making AEoI fully public. Trade unionists, citizens (...)

Gloria Mills, Chair of the EPSU Women’s and Gender Equality Committee elected President of ETUC Women’s Committee

(27 October 2015) Gloria Mills has been elected President of the ETUC Women’s Committee that took place on 22 and 23 of October in Brussels. Gloria is also the acting chair of the EPSU’s Women and Gender Equality and is the UNISON spokesperson on equality. Gloria Mills was elected President of (...)

In Memorium - Jevgenija Stalidzāne, President of the Latvian Trade Union "Energija "

(26 October 2015) The Latvian unions informed us that Jevgenija Stalidzāne, the President of the Latvian trade union "Energija" has suddenly died, 21 October 2015. Jevgenija has been the chair of the union for 10 years. Jevgenija was born 17.12.1944 EPSU General Secretary Jan Willem Goudriaan (...)

Austerity is devastating Greece

(21 October 2015) Imagine that you can not pay the metro ticket to get your kid to the hospital. The kid needs regular treatment of a psychiatrist. But cuts in your wage have left you and your family with such low income that this would wreck your budget. Cuts in wages and social security (...)

EPSU: Global Agreement to address climate change to include Just Transition and Decent Work

(20 October 2015) Climate Change remains the most urgent challenge to current and future generations. If climate change is not controlled to remain near a temperature rise of 2 degrees in 2100, it could result in climate chaos. Through feed back mechanisms like melting ice caps and thawing (...)

What do we know about the multinationals driving the current trade negotiations such as TiSA, CETA and TTIP ?

(20 October 2015) - how is the labour movement responding ? This was the theme of a seminar organised by Ver.di and Friedrich Ebert Stiftung (FES) for trade unionists and NGOs to analyse recently leaked documents on TISA and update each other on developments regarding TTIP and CETA. The (...)

Hands Off Our Public Services in TTIP, CETA and TiSA!

(Brussels, 16 October 2015) EPSU joined demonstrators from across Europe yesterday, 15th October, to make their opposition heard to the secret negotiation of the TTIP, CETA and TiSA trade deals. A recent report co-published by EPSU makes it clear how these agreements could lock our public (...)

EPSU signs Call to Action "Health Workers for All"

14 October 2015, Brussels On 14 October 2014, EPSU signed the Call to Action “Health Workers For All – All for Health Workers”. The Call to Action - available in eight languages (EN, FR, DE, ES, IT, PL and ROM) - is addressed to national and European decision-makers and aims to promote sustainable (...)

Highlights from EPSU’s Standing Committee "Health and Social Services" (24 September 2015)

Brussels, 14 October 2015 EPSU’s last Standing Committee “Health and Social Services” held on 24 September 2015 in Brussels brought together 56 colleagues from 35 affiliates from 22 countries, from Ireland to Bulgaria and from Finland to Spain. Colleagues discussed and approved the progress made (...)

Highlights from EPSU’s Working Group "Social Services" (23 September 2015)

Brussels, 14 October 2015 EPSU’s Working Group “Social Services” on 23 September 2015 was attended by 44 colleagues from 14 countries and from 30 affiliates and four guest speakers. It was built around four topics: 1) child care (services), 2) long-term/elderly care and personal and household (...)

7th meeting of the EPSU youth network

(13 October 2015) Young trade unionists from over 20 public service unions across Europe met in Madrid last week (6/10/2015). 17 countries were represented in a meeting to discuss the future objectives of the network. Eddie Stam, an experienced trade union organizer from Abvakabo-FNV in the (...)

PSI Press release congratulating Tunisian unions on the Nobel Peace Prize

(12 October 2015) A quartet of Tunisian civil society organisations, including the trade union organisation UGTT, a member of PSI, have won the Nobel Peace Prize for 2015. “We were expecting this in 2014 when UGTT was first nominated for the prize, so we are very pleased to hear today’s news that (...)

EPSU joins call to reject the “SUP”

(12 October 2015) General Secretary Jan Willem Goudriaan committed EPSU’s support to the opposition against the proposed SUP Directive. This directive was discussed at the recent European Works Council Coordinators Network meeting in Brussels. The SUP – otherwise known as the Directive on (...)

Free trade deals set to ravage Europe’s public services

(Press release- 12 October 2015) Public services in the EU are under threat from transatlantic trade agreements that could endanger citizens’ rights to basic services like water, health, and energy for the sake of corporate profits, according to a new report (attached below) released today by an (...)

EPSU condemns the attack on peaceful demonstrators in Ankara

(12 October 2015) Two bomb attacks killed 86 or more people (This article was first published on EPSU’s Facebook, the official number of people killed has risen to 95. Others speak of 128) in the center of Ankara. Hundreds are injured. They were participating in a peace rally Saturday morning 10 (...)

Social Services Working Group discusses the need to boost investment in Child Care

(6 October 2015 - EPSU Statement) EPSU commissioned a briefing on the social and economic benefits of investing into good quality childcare and early years education to the Labour Research Department (LRD). The briefing gives an overview over cost-benefit studies that demonstrate the social (...)

PSI Statement: World Day for Decent Work – 7 October

On Friday 25 September 2015, the UN’s new 2030 Agenda was adopted in the presence of the world’s top leaders at a special session of the Annual General Assembly of the United Nations. This year also marks the 70th Anniversary of the United Nations, which lends additional momentum to this new (...)

General secetary
(30 October 2015) The European Union is rich in political drama these days. Some of it you could not make up. The Portuguese President Cavasco Silva has nominated Passos Coelho to form a government. But Coelho and his allies do not have a majority in the Portuguese parliament. The progressive parties are in negotiations to form a new coalition government. But the Portuguese parliament is not allowed to have "dangerous" experiments. Austerity and structural reforms need to be imposed on the country it seems. STAL, the Portuguese union of workers in the municipal services is confronted with that attitute. It wants that the 35 hour working week of its collective agreements is respected. The government did not want to honour this. STAL was won its case in the Constitutional Court. But the government still does not allow the municipalities to honour the agreements. As I have argued before, the European banking crisis started as an economic crisis, then became a social crisis and is now a democratic crisis in full swing read more.