Thursday 8 October 2015

Local Government Driving Creative Approaches - some recent examples from Australia - University of Technology - ACELG

Local Government Driving Creative Approaches

Since the April edition of Excellence in Brief, ACELG has published new resources in collaboration with the sector to foster learning exchanges and creativity within councils and regions:
§ Community Chef: A Case Study in Local Government Innovation
This in depth case study documents a collaborative joint venture between councils in Victoria to deliver cook-chill or snap frozen, high quality, nutritious meals for elderly, frail and disabled community members. The case study includes a report and two videos for broader replication of the approach taken. Produced for ACELG by consortium partner LGMA National. Read more.
§ Creative Councils for Creative Communities
Produced by Marrickville Council (NSW) and the UTS:CLG, this resource emphasises the role of creativity as a prerequisite to innovation in local government, particularly during a time of sector change and reform. Read more.
§ Learning Community Framework and Measuring Impact Toolkit (Vols 1 & 2)
This report links the idea of learning partnerships between councils, their communities and learning organisations. Produced in partnership with the Australian Learning Communities Network, Melton City Council, Gwydir Shire Council (NSW). Read more.
View all ACELG publications here.
Image courtesy of Community Chef - Back to top 

News item from ACELG Bulletin