Monday 30 November 2015

European Federation of Public Service Unions - November 2015

Solidarité avec les affiliés et les syndiqués français

Déclaration du Secrétaire Général Jan Willem Goudriaan: (English below) image @jean_julien : peace for Paris Chers amis, chers camarades, chers collègues, Il est difficile d’exprimer dans des mots mes sentiments et mes pensées à propos de ce qui s’est passé ce vendredi à Paris. C’est une horreur. Il (...)

(24 November 2015) Collective bargaining across the public sector in Italy has been frozen for six years and EPSU sends it support to all the public service unions who will be joining the national demonstration in Rome on 28 November. While many governments and public sector employers across (...)

Brussels/Helsinki, 18 November 2015 On 10 November 2015, HOSPEEM and EPSU – with the support of the Finnish EPSU affiliates JHL, Superliitto and Tehy – organised a conference in Helsinki aimed at supporting a broad fact-finding on the main risk factors of psycho-social risks and stress at work in (...)

This was the question addressed by a conference on TTIP organised on 17 November by the Economic and Social Committee (EESC), European Commission and Luxembourg Presidency. The Trade Commissioner Ms Malstrom stressed the economic benefits of TTIP while acknowledging that instruments such as the (...)

(Press Release – 17 November 2015) McDonald’s inability to give a straight answer about its corporate structure and how much tax it pays further highlights the need for a full investigation into McDonald’s tax affairs. McDonald’s was one of eleven multinationals grilled by the European (...)

(12 November 2015) The UN is currently considering a resolution on the Human Rights to water and sanitation. There is discussion to split the human right to water and sanitation to ensure that the right to sanitation get’s more focus. Worldwide 2.4 billion people lack proper access. It is one of (...)

Press Release - 10th November 2015 G20 countries are the biggest losers when US multinationals avoid paying taxes where they do business. This is the main finding of a new report on the global tax system, ‘Still Broken,’ released by the Tax Justice Network, Oxfam, Global Alliance for Tax (...)

(9 November 2015) Piketty and MEPs join trade union leaders in writing to EU governments to demand public country-by-country reporting, whilst civil society makes voice heard in support of tax whistleblowers. Pressure is building on the European Commission and EU governments to extend (...)

(9 November 2015) EPSU sends its solidarity greetings to the ADEDY and GSEE trade union confederations for the general strike planned for 12 November. We send our support to the Greek unions in challenging the policies that the government will be implementing as part of the latest bail-out (...)

(9 November 2015) The United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees estimates over 700.000 refugees have come across the seas to Europe so far this year. They fled war, hunger and poverty. Speaking at the EPSU Executive Committee meeting Luca Visentini stressed many more refugees will seek to (...)

(6 November 2015) The European Commission has proposed a directive which would make it easier for companies to set up a company in another EU Member State. This should make it easier for small and medium sized companies in particular to do business cross-borders. The Commission proposal is so (...)

(EPSU/FNV Press Release, Brussels 06 November 2015) In a joint letter, EPSU, the European Public Service Union, and its Dutch affiliate, FNV, call upon the Dutch Prime Minister Mark Rutte to take action against breaches of fundamental workers’ rights at the European Patent Office based in the (...)

(Brussels, 3 November 2015) Irish MEP Lynn Boylan spoke today at the Executive Committee of the European Federation of Public Service Unions (EPSU) in Brussels. Ms Boylan was the rapporteur for the Report on the follow up of the European’s Citizens’ Initiative (ECI) Right2Water, a Europe-wide (...)

General secetary
(25 November 2015) You might call it ironic, if it was not so sad and disturbing. Early last week, following a meeting on psychosocial stress, EPSU staff and the visiting expert had to remain in our office building because of a bomb alert just across the street. It turned out to be a false alarm but shows the stress, anxiety and concern that are among the consequences results of the despicable and barbaric acts of13 November in Paris read more