Wednesday 30 December 2015

December update from PRAYAS - India


The Girish Sant Memorial Annual Event for 2016 will explore the links between the discussions and agreements at COP-21 and India’s development needs and prospects.Read More

Coal block allocations: Opportunity lost, chaos gained?

Following the Supreme Court judgement of 2014 cancelling the allocation of more than 200 captive coal blocks, the government quickly brought in legislation and began the process of their reallocation. While the new allocation framework is an improvement over the previous regime, it suffers from many potentially serious shortcomings. Read More

Data Gaps in India's Energy Sector

Energy data is a critical enabler for policy makers and the research community in formulating and analyzing energy policies. National energy data systems need to be robust and efficient in delivering such energy data useful for research and policy formulation. Read More

Toward Methodologies for Multiple-Objective Based Energy and Climate Policy

Planning for India’s energy future requires addressing multiple and simultaneous economic, social and environmental challenges. While there has been conceptual progress towards harnessing their synergies, there are limited methodologies available for operationalizing a multiple objective framework for development and climate policy. Read More

Inputs to National Energy Policy 2015

NITI Aayog has been entrusted with formulating the National Energy Policy (NEP) by the Government of India. NITI Aayog approached many knowledge partners, including PEG, to conduct stakeholder consultations and provide inputs to the NEP on specific sectors. PEG was requested to provide inputs on coal production and thermal generation. Read More





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