Thursday 21 January 2016

Advice from our Colleagues in Brazil -

   União Geral dos Trabalhadores – UGT

Enough of paying the bill! Compulsory minimum age for retirement? No - I can guarantee that we, from UGT, are against any proposal that penalize workers by adopting rules for retirement, either by minimum age (as the government wants in 2016), through the infamous social security factor (of 1999), or by the formula 85/95 (which is under study). Each time the tax adjustment or social security reform is discussed, workers tremble, since they know they will be caught in the middle.
Correctness in the adjustment policy of the minimum wage - Government gets it right in keeping the policy of minimum wage adjustment. The impact on economy will be positive, will provide an increase in production, in consumption and in the restore of growth. The most important thing, however, will be the opening of new job positions in the formal market. Ricardo Patah, national president of UGT
New minimum wage will inject R$ 57 billion in economy, says Dieese - The rise of the minimum wage from R$ 788.00 to R$ 880.00 should inject R$ 57 billion in income next year. 48.3 million people have their income related to the minimum wage, according to a study of Dieese published on December 29.
Public Notice CNPL: Insisting on the mistake - The government repeats, at the end of 2015, the same serious mistakes it made at the end of 2014: announcing economic measures and actions of wide impact on the social tissue, profoundly harmful to working classes, without at least consulting or establishing any attempt of dialogue with institutions that represent workers or the organized civil society. Carlos Alberto Schmitt de Azevedo, President of CNPL – National Confederation of Liberal Professions
Increasing exclusion does not develop a nation - And, once again, on the eve of Christmas, measures that only lead to a New Year’s filled with sadness and uncertainties for workers and their families were announced. Again, the government Dilma misses the target and the form. It knocks down dialogue with trade union centers. Ricardo Patah, president of UGT
23rd Plenary Session of UGT’s National Board of Executives - On December 17, UGT held, at the Novotel Jaraguá Hotel, in São Paulo, its 23rd Plenary Session of the National Board of Executives and gathered directors from the 26 Brazilian State branches and from the Federal District.
Promotion of Decent Work - On December 17, the 1st Conference on Decent Work and International Cooperation of UGT came to an end. It was held by UGT’s Observatory on Decent Work and Department of Issues Related to Anti-unionist Practices and Labor Relationships, as part of the national and international project Decent Work, Decent Life.
SINDIAPI-UGT prepares course on social security - UGT’s Trade Union of Retired Workers, Pensioners and Elderly People (SINDIAPI) will organize, after 2016, a series of courses towards the preparation of advisors in the area of social security.

Marcos Afonso Oliveira
UGT Publicizing and Communications Secretary