Tuesday 5 January 2016

The top risks in European workplaces

https://osha.europa.eu/en/surveys-and-statistics-osh/esener  " EU-OSHA’s European Survey of Enterprises on New and Emerging Risks (ESENER) is an extensive survey looking at how safety and health risks are managed in European workplaces.
Representatives of thousands of businesses and organisations across Europe respond to ESENER questionnaires, which focus particularly on:
  • General OSH risks and how they are managed 
  • Drivers of and barriers to action in OSH management
The focus on new and emerging risks means that the responses shed light on underexplored and increasingly important areas of OSH, such as psychosocial risks, which are a growing area of concern in European workplaces. ESENER provides much-needed data to policy-makers and researchers at national and European level. There is no other EU-level information source on how OSH is managed in businesses. ESENER plays a key role in helping EU-OSHA to provide cross-nationally comparable information that can contribute to OSH policy-making. "