Thursday 4 February 2016

European Federation of Public Service Unions

ETUC Steering Committee addresses right to strike, refugees, social pillar

(3 February 2016) A draft agreement on the relaunch of the social dialogue was considered. Agreed by the negotiating group with the employers, the intention is for the Commission and Council to sign up to it as well. The agreement has a declarative character. It demands of the European (...)

Keeping public services out of trade deals

(3 February 2016) EPSU, Social Platform, the European Centre of Employers and Enterprises providing Public Services (CEEP) and ETUC welcome the European Parliament’s call for the full exclusion of public services in the Trade in Services Agreement, also known as TiSA. Public services are vital (...)

EPSU supports Greek unions’ strike to defend pensions

(2 February 2016) EPSU sends its solidarity greetings to ADEDY and GSEE for their general strike on 4 February. We note your serious concerns about the proposed Pensions Bill which will mean further cuts to a system that has already seen benefits slashed and retirement ages increased. There is (...)

EPSU’s response to EC public consultation on the relaunch of a common consolidated corporate tax base – CCCTB

(2 February 2016) EPSU’s response to EC public consultation on the relaunch of a common consolidated corporate tax base – CCCTB – presented as a key tool to fight corporate tax avoidance and make companies pay tax where profits and value are generated. The consultation follows on the EC Action (...)

EPSU South East European waste management seminar: 27-28 January – Bucharest

(2 February 2016) Trade Unions from the south east European region face a number of challenges linked to public service privatization in the waste sector. Most of the unions in the sector organize the workforce in public entities or public companies. Even though the total workforce in the (...)

Time to empower our young workers!

(1 February 2016) Last week in Madrid we held the first regional seminar for a joint project between the European Trade Union Federations (European Public Service Unions (EPSU), IndustriALL, UNI Europa, EFBWW, ETF and EFFAT), entitled “Empowering the integration of younger workers in the (...)

New EC Anti-Tax Avoidance Package: not the end of the fight against corporate tax avoidance

(28 January 2016) Today’s new Anti-Tax Avoidance Package (ATAP) will potentially contribute to making multinational companies pay more tax, but not yet all the tax they owe. The lengthy package consists of two directives. One implements the OECD’s BEPS action plan at EU level, to pave the way for (...)

Gross violations of trade union rights at the European Patent Office - demonstrations erupt

(28 January 2016) The European Patent Office boss Battestelli has dismissed trade union representatives. They worked in the office in Munich. Protests broke out in all offices in Munchen, Vienna, The Hague, Berlin. They continue with a protest in the Netherlands, 28 January. Staff walked from (...)

WATCH The EU investigates McDonald’s tax regime and working conditions

(27 January 2016) McDonald’s workers visited the European Parliament this month to talk to MEPs about the companies tax arrangements and working conditions. Watch the video from the Socialists and Democrats group. Interview with Peter Simon (Germany), S&D spokesperson on the TAXE committee (...)

EPSU Social Services Profiling Brochure

EPSU Social Services Profiling Brochure, September 2015/January 2016

Publication of ETUI’s HesaMag 12 with a special report on "Women at work: in search of recognition"

On 30 December 2015 the European Trade Union Institute (ETUI) issued edition 12 of the HesaMag (Health and Safety Magazine) with a special report entitled "Women at work: in search of recognition". It advocates for "putting on gender glasses" to better understand the risks and specific (...)

Trade unionists seek better guarantees for the Youth Guarantee

(22 January 2016) More investment in the future of young people is desperately needed to prevent the social timebomb of youth unemployment in the EU. With youth unemployment levels at over 22% across the EU and a shocking 53% in Spain, and with all economic forecasts suggesting that youth (...)

"You can not strip us down further " say Hungarian Culture Workers fighting for decent pay

Hungarian librarians, museum and other staff have been fighting for a decent increase in their pay. With events and actions in the whole country they draw attention to their situation on 20 January. The government has created a whole group of undervalued and underpaid workers. With public (...)

EPSU meet EDF trade union coordination-group about hydro-power concessions in Brussels

(21 January 2016) The economic situation of EDF is not good. On top the European Commission has lodged a complaint against the French government against the awarding of hydro-power concessions to the company. The French trade union coordination group met to discuss this with the European (...)

EPSU demands end to killings of workers by Turkish security forces

These last weeks several public service workers in South East of Turkey have been killed by Turkish security forces. Many were members of EPSU affiliates like GENEL-IS and SES. Trade union leaders have been arrested. The security forces are laying siege on several towns and villages in areas (...)

EPSU and PSI policy staff plan work for 2016

(20 January 2016) We will be building on the work done on tax, trade, migration and more to effect the changes needed. Fighting for Trade union rights, addressing debt, and assisting unions resisting privatisation will be on the agenda. EPSU and PSI policy staff meet regularly to discuss (...)

The struggle for Right2Water continues

(20 January 2016) The European Parliament has supported the demands of the ECI Right2Water. The Commission continues to stall. It does not propose new legislation. Struggles at national level to realise the right2water continue in several countries. In a series of blogs we underline how the the (...)

General secetary
(4 February 2016) When I worked in AbvaKabo a colleague of the US union AFSCME gave me a dark blue t-shirt. It said: “Remember the folks that brought you the weekend ? UNIONS.” This is just one example of what unions have achieved over the years. Many hard won rights have been accomplished – and the fight lives on. To underline what unions do, next week UK unions will hold a week of action (8-14 February). The successes of workers and unions have been reached through struggle with employers and governments. Strikes and other forms of industrial action are an essential part of this struggle. When governments curb the right to strike and industrial action, they want to weaken the voice of workers. This makes it easier to undermine the protection of workers, and push through legislation that is not in their best interest read more