Tuesday 8 March 2016

International Womens Day advice from United Nations Women

UN Women Update: International Women's Day

International Women’s Day celebrations on 8 March will mobilize people around the world to call for a Planet 50-50 by 2030. UN Women is organizing a series of diverse, high-profile events in over 40 countries, where ordinary citizens, activists, musicians, athletes, students, security personnel, scholars and stock exchange officials will be among those who commit to “Stepping It Up for Gender Equality.”

Read press release: English | Español | Français

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UN Women Executive Director’s message for IWD 2016

“Each one of us is needed—in our countries, communities, organizations, governments and in the United Nations—to ensure decisive, visible and measurable actions are taken under the banner: Planet 50-50: Step It Up for Gender Equality,” says UN Women Executive Director Phumzile Mlambo-Ngcuka in her message.

Official UN commemoration

The official UN commemoration will take place in the Trusteeship Council at the UN Secretariat in New York City from 10 a.m. to 12:45 p.m EST; it will focus on achieving gender equality by 2030 and probe the progress made in achieving gender equality in the UN system. Watch the webcast »

Editor's Picks

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Photo essay: A day in the life of women
Teachers, farmers, businesswomen, politicians, mothers, law enforcers — women and girls contribute every day in many visible and invisible ways. Here’s a glimpse into their lives. View photo essay: English | Español | Français

Video: World leaders commit to gender equality
In September 2015, world leaders answered a call by UN Women to step it up for gender equality. From China to Liberia, here's a selection of what some of the world leaders said. Watch video »

Video: Daniel Craig visits UN Mission in Cyprus
Actor Daniel Craig visits the UN Mission in Cyprus in his role as United Nations Global Advocate for the Elimination of Mines and Explosive Hazards. Cyprus is the only UN mission with all-female leadership, including Force Commander Kristin Lund and Head of Mission, Lisa Buttenheim. Craig visits Cyprus' demilitarized buffer zone, and shines a light on women's role in the country's ongoing peace process. Watch video »

Social media: Envisioning #Planet5050
This social media photo series features everyday pairs to voice what a gender-equal world, a #Planet5050, means in all areas of live. To engage in the #Planet5050 conversation follow UN Women on Twitter, Facebook, Google+, Instagram, LinkedIn or Pinterest.

Infographic: Gender equality – Where are we today?
This infographic highlights progress and remaining challenges for women in a range of areas, from politics, to literacy, to wages and media representation. View infographic: English | Español | Français

Activist's corner

Join the conversation for International Women’s Day, #IWD2016!

  • Main hashtags: #IWD2016 (#DíadelaMujer, #Journéedelafemme); #Planet5050 – check out the automatic emoji on Twitter when tweeting with the hashtag #IWD2016!
  • Main Twitter accounts: @UN_Women (English), @ONUMujeres (Spanish), @ONUFemmes (French)
  • Main Facebook accounts: UN Women (English), ONU Mujeres (Spanish), ONU Femmes (French)
  • Other accounts: Instagram, Google+, LinkedIn, Pinterest
  • Change your Facebook and Twitter cover image with the banners available in English, Spanish and French (under “General”) here.
  • If you organize or participate in a local International Women’s Day event, share your images and messages on our Facebook Event page and bring your event to a global audience.
  • On 8 March, log into Snapchat to see the Live Story celebrating remarkable women.
  • Follow our accounts for live coverage from the different events and share content from our social media package, which is available with images, videos and sample promotional messages in English, Spanish and French here.