Tuesday, 31 January 2017

Trade Unions for Energy Democracy - TUED - latest publication ' Is the World Really Moving Away from Fossil Fuels? Examining the Evidence." - is now out !


Is the World Really Moving Away from Fossil Fuels? Examining the Evidence.

PDF available for download now.

Trade Unions for Energy Democracy has just launched a new publication around Energy fuel change and diversification , this is the 9th paper by Sean Sweeney and John Treat from TUED . 

The summary of the paper points out that  - 

"The paper’s analysis shows is that, unfortunately, the world is not “moving away from fossil fuels”; far from it. The recent “we are winning” optimism is misplaced, misleading, and disarming. It must therefore be rejected, and replaced with a more sober perspective that draws hope and confidence not from a selective and self-deceiving interpretation of the data, but from the rising global movement for climate justice and energy democracy, armed with clear programmatic goals and a firm commitment to achieve them." 

Trade Unions for Energy Democracy are asking that Unions to circulate the paper and use its contents to stimulate debate on political and energy policy actions .

The news article from TUED  can be located at http://unionsforenergydemocracy.org/tued-bulletin-54-january-31-2017/

With the publication available at PDF available for download now.