Cumberland Council Administrator Viv May has called a LATE NOTICE extraordinary
council meeting THIS Wednesday 15th February and looks set to make public his
decision to outsource council’s waste service. Let’s make sure the garbage
workers keep their jobs and Viv May hears the voice of the Cumberland workers
and community loud and clear.
Get you family and friends to stand together and
show your support –
15 FEBRUARY 2017
(Council meeting at 6.00pm)
15 FEBRUARY 2017
(Council meeting at 6.00pm)
This affects
employees and the local community with local jobs and services on the line.
The unelected
Administrator thinks that outsourcing the garbage service to a profit based
contractor will save money.
Don’t think your rates will go up?
Think again, we all know that private waste collection companies don’t care about ratepayers or the local community, they only care about one thing, delivering profit margins to their shareholders.
Don’t think services levels will drop?
Think again, the contractors won’t have time to do missed services or go the extra mile by taking your bin in if you if can’t. Yes, that’s what the hard working Council garbos do for the community.
The garbage workers at Cumberland Council need your support. Tell your neighbours, friends, family and community members.
Don’t think your rates will go up?
Think again, we all know that private waste collection companies don’t care about ratepayers or the local community, they only care about one thing, delivering profit margins to their shareholders.
Don’t think services levels will drop?
Think again, the contractors won’t have time to do missed services or go the extra mile by taking your bin in if you if can’t. Yes, that’s what the hard working Council garbos do for the community.
The garbage workers at Cumberland Council need your support. Tell your neighbours, friends, family and community members.
What you can do!
o Register to speak at the Council meeting on
Wednesday 15 February 2017 to tell Viv May what having local garbage men and
women mean to you and that this is a decision that should be made by an elected
o Attend the Rally and Council meeting on Wednesday
15 February 2017 at 5.00pm Merrylands Administration Building, 16 Memorial
Avenue, Merrylands
o Sign the petition – http://bit.ly/cumberland-waste
o Like the Facebook page – https://www.facebook.com/Cumberland-Dont-Waste-It-307193952816574/