A toxic
Going into the 2016 election, the Barnett government was deep in the
hole. They had badly overspent during the mining boom, behaving as though a
once-in-a-generation high watermark was the “new normal” and they were looking
for a quick fix.
Despite having previously promised to keep the state’s ports and power
assets in public hands, the Liberal Party started looking for things to sell.
After their coalition partners the Nationals vetoed any sale of the port of
Fremantle, the government took a platform of privatising Western Power to the
state election.
gears up to fight
We were ready for this. ETU WA members and officials knew that this was
the fight of our lives, and that many of our jobs depended on it.
Nearly a full year out from the election, we launched the Use Your Power
campaign, urging people to vote against any sale of Western Power.
Selling Western Power was a terrible idea. It would drive bills up, cost
jobs and apprenticeship opportunities, and increase the risk of bushfires due
to under-maintained infrastructure as a cash-hungry owner scaled back on
We hit the
In the months and weeks leading up to the March poll, ETU members and
officials knocked on tens of thousands of doors.
Members in Western Power depots whose jobs were on the line if the
company was sold stood on the side of highways and at high-traffic
intersections urging commuters and motorists to oppose the sale and show their
support by sounding their horns.
Nearly everyone we spoke to opposed the sale. Some had family who worked
for Western Power, or wanted to get into an apprenticeship. Some were sick of
seeing conservative governments sell off state assets. Many told us that this
election would be the first time they ever they didn’t vote Liberal.
Election night
On the night, it was all over very quickly. The election was called
against Barnett within 90 minutes of the count beginning. There was a nine
percent swing away to labour, and Barnett lost more than 15 percent of the vote
he’d got at the last election. It wasn’t just a victory, it was a rout.
The seats where the ETU campaigned against Western Power privatisation
showed just how unpopular it was. The neighbouring seats of Bunbury and
Collie-Preston, south of Perth, were places where the ALP were considered rank
outsiders, with a swing of more than 12 percent needed to secure Bunbury.
But ETU members had done the work on the ground, and there was a massive
24 percent swing against the Liberals.
The story was repeated across the state, and a poll that had been taken,
but not released, during the lead-up to the election showed just how
influential the ETU campaign was.
The Reachtel/West Australian poll showed that among Labor voters,
Western Power was the number one issue for more than 25 percent. But among
Labor-leaning undecided voters, the Western Power privatisation was the main
issue for a 47 percent - nearly half.
Where to
ETU members in Western Australia, and around the country can
congratulate themselves for keeping our power assets in public hands.
But this isn’t the end of our fight. Our national energy policy is still
a mess, and cleaning it up is made harder by the creeping piecemeal
privatisations that have been executed by conservative governments at a state
level over the last few decades.
In a recent editorial in the the New Daily, ETU national secretary Allen Hicks
called for governments across the country to take their power assets back into
public hands and run them for the public good