The publication Global South has issued a special information advice on the ADB 50th Anniversary Meeting. This is Global South publication, but provides interesting information on the ADB and an insight from a NGO perspective, and would seem to support many of the PSI Affiliates actions and issues from last week ...there are some great video sessions from the below photo links from the civil society meetings that provide additional back ground ...the publication is well worth a read and your possible onward "free" subscription - Greg Mclean .
Edition on the
Asian Development Bank @ 50
2017 marks
the 50th anniversary of the Asian Development Bank (ADB), the
second largest source of development finance in the Asia-Pacific
region, next to the World Bank Group. In the last five decades, the
ADB has moved more than USD 250 billion in a bid to promote
economic growth, facilitate regional trade integration, and expand
opportunities. However, for many civil society groups, social
movements, and communities affected by ADB financing, the
institution has been an agent of inequitable development, fostering
inequalities and mis-governance. The ADB has enjoyed the highest
degree of immunity as guaranteed by its own charter. This means
that it is immune to legal liabilities and accountability to
national laws for problematic investments, faulty policy advice,
violation of people’s rights and livelihoods, and destruction of
the environment.
Focus has long been researching and sharing analyses of the
negative impacts of ADB operations, calling for an end to the ADB’s
immunity and lack of accountability. In 2017, we join people’s
movements and civil society in building a region-wide challenge to
the ADB’s immunity
On the occasion of the 50th Annual Governors’ Meeting of the ADB
which is happening in Yokohama, Japan from May 4-7, 2017, Focus on
the Global South is releasing this special newsletter highlighting
the Asian people’s resistance against the Bank. Earlier writings
and materials on the ADB produced by Focus can be found here:
To download a printable pdf version of this newsletter, click here