Wednesday 10 May 2017

Update from PRAYAS ENERGY GROUP - INDIA , covers range of important matters in Electricity Industry not just for India but its information is reliant more broadly ...see number of in-depth articles.

We are pleased to share with you some of our recent work ranging over issues such as 'compensatory tariff', 'surplus' power, integration of renewable energy, and auction of coal mines for commercial mining.
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Supreme Court judgement on ‘Compensatory Tariff’ matters

On 11th April 2017, the Supreme Court of India delivered a landmark judgement on the appeals relating to crucial matters of ‘compensatory tariff’ granted by Central Electricity Regulatory Commission. The judgement holds important implications and lessons for vital issues such as sanctity of contracts, strengthening competition, distribution company finances, generation capacity addition, regulatory governance, public policy, and consumer interest. Read More

The Price of Plenty: Insights from 'surplus' power in Indian States

With significant capacity addition in the past decade, many states in India have transitioned from having chronic power shortages to having sustained power surplus. The growing volume of surplus capacity in various states is a matter of concern as it implies rising fixed-cost payments for the non-requisitioned or backed down power. This report analyses the "surplus" power situation in the country, its causes, implications and possible solutions. Read More

Comments on RInfra's proposal to extend its PPA for Dahanu power station till 2036

PEG made a submission questioning the need for extending the PPA between RInfra-G and RInfra-D for 500 MW from Dahanu TPS till 2036. Long term, cost-plus contract for thermal power at a time when renewable energy prices are falling, and consumer demand is uncertain may not be the most efficient choice. Moreover, like many other DISCOMs, RInfra-D should also undertake competitive bidding to discover favourable and competitive tariffs. To meet power requirement in the interim, PEG proposed an arrangement which allows RInfra-D to continue the existing cost-plus PPA with RInfra-G for the next three years, i.e. till the end of the current MYT period. Read More

Comments on draft bidding guidelines for wind power

The Solar Energy Corporation of India recently discovered a price of Rs 3.46/kWh for 1000 MW of wind power through the competitive bidding route. Buoyed by this success, the Ministry of New and Renewable Energy has released draft competitive bidding guidelines for procuring wind power under section 63 of the Electricity Act, 2003. In response to these guidelines, Prayas (Energy Group) has sent in few comments and suggestions detailed in the submission below. Read More

Past the pricing hurdle, solar and wind faces other pitfalls

The recent price bids for utility scale solar PV (Rs 3.3/kWh) and wind power (Rs 3.46/kWh) show that generation price of renewable energy should no longer be a concern while aiming at high shares of renewable energy in the future electricity mix. However this does not automatically mean that renewables will rule in the days to come. The renewable energy sector will increasingly have to confront the mainstream sectoral challenges. An opinion piece describing some of these challenges and potential ways to start addressing them was published in DNA on 11th March 2017. Read More

Comments and suggestions on discussion paper on Auction of coal mines for commercial mining

The Ministry of Coal sought comments on the discussion paper on auction of coal mines for commercial mining vide notice 13011/1/2017-CBA2 dated March 27, 2017. The approach towards introducing commercial mining should be seen in the larger context of the coal and energy sector. PEG's comments and suggestions on the matter are provided in this spirit. Read More

Captive Coal: Blocked?

Following the 2014 Supreme Court judgement cancelling allocations of 204 coal blocks, the Government of India had promulgated the Coal Mines (Special Provisions) Act in March 2015 and also allocated over 60 coal blocks for captive use in various sectors. The Government hoped to achieve a few important objectives through the allocation process. Two years after the bulk of allocations, have these objectives been realized? A short note and article review the status of the allocated blocks and conclude that the objectives have not been realized. Read More

Comments on draft coal block allocation rules

The Ministry of Coal published Draft Rules to replace the Auction by Competitive Bidding of Coal Mines Rules, 2012 and invited comments and suggestions on the same. Prayas reviewed the Draft Rules and submitted its comments and suggestions to the Ministry. Read More

Reflections on contemporary issues in the electricity sector

A full-day event "Reflections on contemporary issues in the electricity sector", was organised in Delhi. It consisted of three sessions, with each session focusing on one recent publication from Prayas. The event was well attended with each session having participants from across a wide spectrum consisting of regulators, senior bureaucrats, utility representatives, trade union representatives, civil society organisations, consultants, energy and environment researchers and think tanks. Read More
We look forward to your feedback and comments
Thank You,
Prayas (Energy Group)

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Prayas (Energy Group) works to further public interest through comprehensive, analysis-based policy research and advocacy.
Electricity Supply and Monitoring Initiative is a Prayas program to monitor quality of electricity supply at various locations.
Copyright (C) 2016 Prayas Energy Group. All rights reserved.

Reprinted with kind permission from PRAYAS ENERGY GROUP .