In an important world first , Australia's Official Chief Scientist will tomorrow recommend to the National Government that the Country move from coal fired electricity to a system that would define clean energy as " no more than 700 kilograms of carbon per megawatt. That would allow for wind, solar, gas and nuclear — it could potentially include coal-fired power stations equipped with carbon capture and storage technology."
But most significantly the report will call require coal fired power stations to give 3 to 5 years notice of their intention to close, and therefor provide " transition " opportunities to local communities .
It would potentially exclude such actions as those recently taken by by global energy giant "Engie" to close a coal fired power station " Hazellwood" within 6 months of notice to close, as has recently happened in the State of Victoria (according to the article at )
According to the article, the reports author will also, call to " recommend a bigger focus on energy storage, in batteries and pumped hydro, and the Government may mandate this for future wind and solar farms ".
Further news articles can be located in other media including in the Sydney Morning Herald (SMH) at
Which also includes references " To tackle reliability problems in the national electricity market, new renewable energy power plants would have to have "despatchable capacity"