Wednesday 28 June 2017

PSI Affiliates recognised but also their lessons learned and campaigns have already been shared with PSI AP

On Tuesday night in Sydney , Australia , the National Union Movement recognised two Local Government and Electricity anti privatisation campaigns by PSI affiliate the ASUs , NSW USU Branch and the ASU Western Australia Branch ,these were -

Innovative Organiser of the year: Sandie Morthen United Services Union - NSW USU Branch . Sandie was a presenter and attendee at the PSI Asia Pacific Local Government Network meeting held in Surabaya last year, were the affiliates where briefed on this award winning campaigning and organising techniques. The link to the Surabaya meeting is at 

Campaign: Use Your Power - ASU - Australian Services Union WA Branch. This campaign was saw a Government toppled, assets remain in public ownership and the incoming political party showing strong support for " no privatistion" of the states electricity industry poles and wires, retail, transmission and generation transmission .   
Photo of Branch Secretary Wayne Wood , Branch President Paul O'Neil and Assistant Secretary Jill Hugo. The campaign was also previously published at this blog 

Above article complied from ASU and USU face book page photos and information