Tuesday 18 July 2017

New publication on working with trees and around electricity supply

A recent report with safety materials , youtube and self site assessment guide are part of this news item by Worksafe NSW and while reflect standards in Australia , the article , story links and publication , plus youtube would be valuable to Local Government and other workers , needing to work with tress and building a safety culture .

The following two paragraphs are from the article -

" Major causes of incidents include the lack of planning related to working at heights and around power lines; the unsafe use of high risk machinery such as wood chippers; and the failure to assess the condition of trees and poor ground stability. 

If you are in the tree work industry, watch our video safety alert for tips on working safety with trees, use our tree work guide to help you operate safety and avoid injury and conduct a self-assessment of your workplace. 
When working with trees, planning is the key. " 

Direct links on the above can also be fund at - 
Video https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=42ozttuPBhA&feature=youtu.be
Working with tree guide - http://www.safework.nsw.gov.au/health-and-safety/safety-topics-a-z/tree-trimming-removal-and-arborist-work
Self Assessment check list - http://www.safework.nsw.gov.au/__data/assets/pdf_file/0008/119825/SW08528-0217-358466-INT.pdf