Monday 14 August 2017

Congratulations to Christchurch City Council on adoption of Living Wage

The New Zealand Public Service Association congratulates Christchurch City Council on its decision to adopt a Living Wage for all staff, and hopes other councils will take note and follow suit to ensure workers get a fair deal. 
"Councils like Christchurch have a vital role in exemplifying good employment practice, and their decision to roll out the Living Wage of $20.20 sets a great precedent," says Glenn Barclay, PSA national secretary.
"Congratulations to campaigners and unions for their energy and efficacy in working with the council to make this happen, and to the councillors who voted for it - it’s too important and too self-evident to ignore."
"A Living Wage provides individuals and families - particularly young workers - with the means to lift themselves out of the poverty associated with low wages, and it serves a crucial role in addressing inequality in the broader New Zealand economy."
The decision follows moves by both Wellington and Auckland councils to implement Living Wage policies, but unfortunately excludes VBase, a council arm that oversees venue and event management.
"Ultimately, like the other councils’ decisions, this is a first step - we would like to see this extended to cover all contractors and other companies owned by the council," says Mr Barclay.
"Other councils without a Living Wage policy should take note - it’s common sense that low-paid workers employed by councils deserve enough to live decently and with dignity, and it makes economic sense too."