Thursday 17 August 2017

Outsourcing and local democracy in Britain, an article recently published in the Guardian " Transparency, oversight and scrutiny are being negotiated away in vast contracts with private companies to deliver local services. "

An interesting article recently published and worth reading, by the Guardian ...that raises concerns on contracted out local government services in the UK .

The article, raises concerns on " the local council outsourced contracts to private companies and essential elements of local democracy becoming unavailable to local residents them." 

The article quotes references around community voices not being listened too, including the references to the housing estate and recent UK tower block fire , raising concerns " voices weren’t heard, information they requested wasn’t granted, outcomes they were promised did not transpire, complaints they made were not answered." 

The article also crosses to the concerns of local government to manage the analysis and value of the servicing contracts , pointing out - 

" The relationship between local councils and companies bidding for contracts is usually highly unequal. Local government funding cuts have caused a reduction in resources dedicated to providing scrutiny and oversight. The Audit Commission, previously responsible for scrutinising local authority contracts, has been abolished. The private companies involved, often huge multinationals, have significant advantage over local authorities in terms of technical knowledge and negotiating experience." 

The article is well worth reading , if only for pointing out the concerns on local governments having adequate budgets to ensure they can oversight and manage out sourced contracts ... it will raise the question , that if you cant analysis the contracts, how can ensure value for money, performance stands and if the work should u;intimately be ' re - municipalised "