Friday 6 October 2017

More than one hundred & fifty thousand WAPDA/Electricity workers observed "THANK GIVING DAY

" All over Pakistan under the aegis of "ALL PAKISTAN WAPDA HYDRO ELECTRIC WORKERS UNION" C.B.A on the eve of restoration of its status as a National Industry-wise Collective Bargaining Agent Trade Union for WAPDA/Electricity Workers through nationwide Referendum held earlier under the aegis of the Registrar Trade Union Nation of Industrial Relation Commission of Pakistan.
At Lahore, the hundreds of Trade Union representatives and workers observed said day "THANKS GIVING DAY" to-day at Bakhtiar Labour Hall, Lahore presided over by Veteran Trade Union Leader Khurshid Ahmed General Secretary of the Union and was addressed by Haji Muhammad Younus, Rana Abdul Shakoor, Muzaffar Mateen, Rana Akram, Haji Muhammad Lateef, Osama Tariq, Sajid Kazmi and other Trade union representatives.
Khurshid Ahmed General Secretary of the Trade Union offering Prayer to Almighty declared that the success the largest national Industry wise trade union obtaining one hundred and three thousand and five hundred and fifty three voters in a Nation-wide referendum owed its national obligation to spare no efforts to provide "BETTER SERVICES" TO 25 Million Elecy Industrial and Agriculture, Commercial, Domestic Consumers all over the country and raise its Productivity for prevention of the theft of Elecy. and recovering of its revenue and ensure ensuring "DECENT WORK" to the workers free from hazardous nature of work and get provided Better Medical Facilities and education to their children and Housing to them through Mutual Dialogue with the WAPDA/ELECY. Management.
Thereafter, the meeting passed a special resolutions demanding to the Federal & Provincial Governments to allocate more resources to build NEW WATER DAMS and develop cheaper Hydel Power Stations in the public sector. Since, Pakistan has capacity to generate One Lakh Hydel Elecy. while it is being generated only Seven thousand Megawatts due to meager allocation of the resources to WAPDA. It was highlighted that the cost of WAPDA Hydel Generation is Rs. 1.50 per unit in comparison with the high cost of Rs. 16/- per unit charged by Private Thermal Power Houses to the nation. By another resolution, the house demanded to the Federal & Provincial Government to hold "TRIPARTITE LABOUR CONFERENCE" and get adapted Progressive Labour Policy to tackle rising unemployment and cost of living and provision of Safety & health and Social Protection and establish an egalitarian Society free from the exploitation as propounded by the Father of the Nation and tackle rising unemployment of Youth and abject Poverty and irrational gap between the rich and poor in the country.

Media release from PSI Affiliate WAPDA  - Secretary   Information A.P.W.H.E.W.UNION  CBA 0333-4276811