The European Union (EU) has now released its scope for a Trade Agreement with Australia and New Zealand . This long anticipated list ' Mandates " provided by the European Commission , will be important for all three parties . Along with Australia and New Z'ealnd's place in the Asia Pacific Region.
The EU population is over 510 million , Australia 24.7 million plus , New Zealand 4.7 million plus, the agreement represents an important step for Australia and NZ on top on agreements with USA , China , - but on this occasion Labour standards etc are higher from the EU end.
List of Australian FTAs
List of New Zealand FTAs
We can of course expect some stand out issues such as motor vehicles, (Australia and New Zealand are no longer main stream production car manufactures) , Investments and Finance (with Australia's large industry pension/superannuation schemes) . Industrial and Trade Union Rights for Europeans are at higher standard, including Works Council, Social partners etc
Of particular interest is the mention of -
" The Agreement should ensure that all levels of government, including sub-central authorities and relevant entities, effectively comply with the provisions of the Agreement". page 2
" The Agreement should also contribute to the promotion of sustainable development and broader EU values, inter alia by including trade related provisions on labour and environment, including through corporate social responsibility, responsible governance of tenure of land, fisheries and forests, responsible agriculture investment and transparency." page 3
" . The Agreement should ensure that the parties should not encourage trade or foreign direct investment by lowering domestic environmental, labour or occupational health and safety legislation, and standards or by relaxing core labour standards or laws aimed at protecting and promoting cultural diversity". page 3.
Greg McLean