In a way that shows the lead for many other States and Countries , Australia's Second largest electricity production and use State , Queensland, (and one of the State that did not privatise its Electricity Generation or Distribution operations) has created a new Publicly State Owned clean energy generation corporation to be know as CleanCo , with a mandate to deliver at least 1000MW over the next 7 years (by 2025) of new renewable electricity the Government has advised that Clean Co will " focusing on flexible dispatchable energy generation like hydro and solar thermal with storage that can supply clean energy around the clock "
CleanCo – new publicly-owned generation company to deliver 1,000MW We will create a new, publicly-owned, clean energy generation company – CleanCo – that will own a strategic portfolio of energy assets and deliver new renewable energy development on behalf of the people of Queensland.
One key quote in the Government materials is -
"Owning our generation portfolio will support our transition from thermal to renewable generation, allowing us to make power stations available to provide synchronous generation when it is needed. "
Interesting links are -
Transition principles have been included in the Party policy document that sits behind the Governments actions , with commitments for employment energy development, investment and jobs
The policy also includes some good model clauses and, actions and examples, and includes a commitment to
" Keeping state-owned electricity network
and generation assets in public hands " .
PSI Affiliates 'The Services Union' (part of the ASU ) and ETU, have began discussions/consultations with the Government Energy Department Officials , more advice will follow .
If your Union would like more information ,I'll be happy to pass contact details on ...Greg