Together with Lembaga Informasi Perburuhan Sedane (LIPS), PSI is holding a residential training of trainers (ToT) on trade justice for Indonesian trade unions leaders and activists from 28 to 30 August 2018 in Bogor, West Jawa. 30 participants from four global unions (PSI, BWI, UNI and ITF) and other independent unions will be actively involved. Key issues that will be addressed that are linkages between the free trade regime and privatisation, as well as contracutalisation and low wages.
The 'new generation' free trade agreements (FTAs) and mega-FTAs represent a deepening of neoliberalism and threaten to further restrict the policy space required for governments to promote, respect, protect and fulfil labour rights, public services and goods essential for the realisation of human rights and to protect the environment.
The government of Indonesia is party to the RCEP negotiations since their inception and has expressed interest to join the new avatar of the TPP. Indonesia has signed a bilateral deal with Japan in force since 2018, the impacts of which have led the government of Indonesia to ask for a review of the deal. In addition, the government is negotiating bilateral deals with several developed countries, including the European Union and Australia, among other negotiations.
The training will contribute to building collaboration between and strengthening strategic interventions by trade unions in Indonesia