Thursday, 27 September 2018

Demonstrating commitment and leadership on equal pay

PSI is participating today in an Equal Pay International Coalition (EPIC) Pledging Event. The main objective of the event is to build a consortium of committed partners to accelerate the pace in closing the gender pay gap and achieving equal pay, in line with target 8.5 of the SDGs.
This event is co-organized by the International Labour Organization, UN Women and the Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development. The main objective of the event is to build a consortium of committed partners from government, business, trade unions, civil society, non-governmental organizations, think tanks, and academia, to accelerate the pace in closing the gender pay gap and achieving equal pay, in line with target 8.5which calls for equal pay for work of equal value by 2030, of the SDGs.
During the event, selected partners will publicly announce their pledges on behalf of their respective governments, companies, civil society organizations, academia and more. Gender equality has been one of PSI’s most important rallying cries for the last decades and PSI's pledgefully reflects it's commitment to to work for a real transformation of the world of work and gender relations, equal pay for work of equal value and the recognition of women’s work.
Securing collective bargaining rights for public services unions, as well as ensuring that women are represented at the bargaining table and in trade union leadership are two fundamental conditions for progress to be made in regard to equal pay.
The pledges will serve as the basis for setting the agenda of future EPIC meetings, in order to exchange information on best practices, challenges, bottlenecks and how the Coalition can collectively achieve pay equity globally.
The innovative work of EPIC will contribute significantly to challenging some of the main issues underlying gender pay gaps, by strengthening the evidence base for policy action, sharing good practices and lessons learned, promoting the business case for change in favour of gender equality, and by investing in initiatives already proven to lead to positive results.
The strategic multi-stakeholder partnership, the Equal Pay International Coalition (EPIC), was launched in September 2017 to assist UN Member States in achieving the UN Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs), in particular Goal 8, target 8.5 which calls for equal pay for work of equal value by 2030, as well as Goal 5, as equal pay is central to the achievement of gender equality and women’s empowerment.
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