Monday, 29 October 2018

Indonesia - bringing water back to the public.

PSI affiliate in water sector SP PDAM - Jakarta together with other unions from Aetra Palyja Workers Union (PUK SPSI Aetra, PUK SPSI Palyja and Sekar Aetra) met at Hotel Oria, Jakarta. The two-day meeting, 26-27 October 2018, is a Project Planning for Water Sector Trade Union Strengthening.
The objectives of the meeting is to bring water back to the public and build trade union power across water sector in Indonesia.
David Boys, PSI Deputy General Secretary in his session on the first day provided updates on water sector privatization around the globe and impacts on service provision and the workers.
Nila Ardianie and Tommy Tobing also were invited to speak in this meeting. They gave updates on regulation and policy on water sector after Supreme Court Decision on Water Privatization.
Kate Lapping, PSI Asia Pacific Regional Secretary, PSI-SEA Sub Regional Secretary, Ian Mariano, Eveliina Pelata (JHL) and Marlon Quesada (SASK) attended the meeting.