Tuesday, 2 October 2018

Pakistan PSI Affiliate WAPDA is campaigning for more publicly Owned Electricity Generation

The below newspaper article was published in the ' Nation ' newspaper in Pakistan and shows how WAPDA a PSI Affiliate is campaigning to have its Publicly Owned Electricity provider increase electricity generation, by the National and Regional Governments . 

PSI Affiliate WAPDA is arguing for increased hydro and thermal generation production through power station construction by the current Publicly Owned Utility Authorities as well as mergers of Distribution, Transmission and Generation.    

This action by WAPDA comes at time when many Governments are using the issue of 'capacity' shortages as means for the private, small or large, electricity providers to enter the industry either by often questionable  supply contracts, or build own operate using either new and or current technologies .

The action by WAPDA, a Union well versed in fighting against and winning privatization battles, is an important step in the campaign for publicly owned generation.

PSI Affiliate WAPDA is the -  
All Pakistan Wapda Hydro Electric Workers Union (CBA)
Garikhata Hyderabad
Ph: 022-2783613, 2728185
Fax: 022-2785620

Articles supplied by PSI South Asia Sub Region Secretary Raman Kannan kannan.raman@world-psi.org