Tuesday, 19 February 2013

CLGF Conference, Development Local Government: Putting Local Government at the Heart of Development, Kampala, 14-17 May 2013;

http://www.clgc2013.org/  and http://www.undp.org/content/undp/en/home/presscenter/articles/2013/01/15/post-2015-agenda-unprecedented-global-discussions-about-development-priorities-start-in-100-countries-/  You may be aware that discussions are underway in earnest regarding the shape of the post-2015 Development Agenda, which amongst other things, will consider the future of the UN’s Millennium Development Goals (MDGs) and how they should be taken forward after 2015.

UN Secretary-General Ban Ki Moon has established a High Level Panel of Eminent Persons to advise him on this issue.  This Panel is being co-chaired by the British Prime Minister and Presidents of Indonesia and Liberia.  It also has the Mayor of Istanbul and President of United Cities and Local Governments (UCLG) as a member.  The first meeting of the Panel was held at the Commonwealth Secretariat headquarters, Marlborough House, in London 31 October to 2 November 2012.  I attach a copy of a Statement which CLGF presented on that occasion, and which highlighted 3 main issues:

·         Setting social targets to address the needs of the vulnerable and most marginalised
·         Recognising local government as a partner in development
·         Building local democracy and democratic governance into the post-2015 agenda

CLGF is currently developing its position into the post 2015 agenda in more detail, and is working closely with a number of partners including UNDP, the Commonwealth Secretariat and the United Cities and Local Governments, and its Global Taskforce of Local and Regional leaders for the 2015 and Habitat III Process, on which our Chairperson Mayor Lawrence Yule is represented.

In addition, it has been agreed that UNDP will undertake a formal consultation of CLGF members on the post-2015 agenda during the CLGF Conference, Development Local Government: Putting Local Government at the Heart of Development, Kampala, 14-17 May 2013; the outcomes of this consultation will be presented to UN and to the Commonwealth leaders. I hope that your organisation, as a valued member of CLGF, is making arrangements for senior representation at our Kampala Conference.  For registration and other details, please see http://www.clgc2013.org/

In the meantime, the UN has started a process of undertaking national consultations about the post-2015 agenda which is expected to cover 100 member countries.  A number of these consultations will be held imminently and I strongly recommend your organisation to seek to be represented at your national consultation to ensure that local government has a voice at the table and is able to argue for being taken into account in the development of the post-2015 agenda.  In this connection, you may wish to make reference to the points already made in the CLGF submission to the High Level Panel.  

For further information about consultations already announced, please see:

I would appreciate it if you could provide CLGF with any feedback regarding your inputs into your national consultation, including copies of any written submissions which you may be making.  These will be helpful for the official UNDP Consultation at the Kampala Conference in May 2013.

Kind regards

Secretary General

Advice from CLGF