Wednesday, 20 February 2013

“Remunicipalizing public services in Europe paper by David Hall, PSIRU, University of Greenwich
1. Re-municipalisation and the revival of the public sector - After many years when privatisation, contracting-out and outsourcing have been the dominant trends across the public services, there is now increasing evidence, particularly in the municipal sector – including water and energy – of trends in the opposite direction. This short briefing looks at the background, the latest evidence and highlights some of the key issues facing trade unions faced by re-municipalisation.
2. Background: The pressures to privatise Since the 1980s direct public sector provision of services has been strangled by various forms of privatisation – either the direct sale of enterprises such as energy companies to private owners, or the outsourcing of a wide range of services, from water supply and waste management to cleaning and catering. This process has been driven by political, legal, and fiscal factors