Friday, 1 February 2013

Discussion on employment contracts, termination and outsourcing - The ILO Asia Pacific is promoting an online discussion " on employment contracts, termination and outsourcing "
could i ask you to look to contributing to the discussion from the issues you see as a Union Representative - please follow the above link . The following is an advice from the ILO web page ..

" You are invited to join this online discussion on the topic of the future of employment contracts, termination and outsourcing, which is now open until Friday 15th February.
Discussion on employment contracts, termination and outsourcing
David Tajgman, the founder of Labour in Development, will moderate this discussion. Tim de Meyer, ILO Senior Specialist on International Labour Standards and Labour Law, and Angela Muller, ILO Labour Law Officer, will also share their expertise in response to your questions and comments.

At the beginning of the discussion, we would like to hear what current patterns of employment contracting in your country pose challenges to the existing regulatory framework or "decent work". Please begin to share what those challenges are, and the discussion will evolve from there.

The discussion is an opportunity for you to share your knowledge and experiences in this area and to debate with and learn from your fellow AP-IRNet members. We look forward to hearing from you." 

Advice from ILO web page