Tuesday, 5 February 2013

ITUC - 18th International Commemoration Day (ICD) for Dead and Injured Workers Unions make work safer

Dear Friends,  Thanks to your support and mobilisation, 28th April, the International Commemoration Day (ICD) for Dead and Injured Workers, has become a major event for trade unions around the world, and workers’ right to safe and healthy jobs is achieving increasing visibility. Nonetheless, the challenge ahead for trade unions is huge. In many countries, deregulation policies are being used to undermine labour standards, and occupational safety and health ones are no exception. We continue to witness a terrible death toll at the workplace. In both developed and developed countries, employers’ tendency to ignore or cut protection at work has led to thousands of workers becoming ill or dying while trying to earn a living.
2012 has been particularly dreadful in this regard. No month has passed without horrible news about hundreds of workers dying from workplace accidents. Our voices must show we do not forget them, and that we will keep on fighting for the living!
‘Unions make work safer’ will remain the main motto for 28th April, and with austerity policies still being implemented in many countries, you might want to consider making this 28th April a day of action to defend health and safety from budget cuts and attacks on regulation and enforcement, if this applies to your national context.
The ratification and implementation of ILO standards will always be a major element in our demands.
In previous years, the ITUC, with the invaluable help of Hazards magazine, in particular Rory & Jawad, has developed interactive maps, social networks activities (i.e. Facebook) and the now well known website with country reports (www.hazards.org/wmd ). All your ideas and suggestions on these aspects would be welcome.
This year 28th April is a unique annual opportunity to express our collective voice about the need to protect and promote workers’ health and safety as a means for achieving decent work for all and a fair globalisation. 
Please keep us informed of your views and plans sending information about your events at Anabella.rosemberg@ituc-csi.org
And remember, give us your email to be included in the 28th April e-list and join the 28 April Facebook group: Type Workers’ Memorial Day  or click here: http://www.facebook.com/groups/170025585213/

Advice from ITUC