Wednesday, 13 March 2013

“Managing workforce change: Strengthening public services social dialogue in an era of austerity “

Outcomes of Comparative Research Project King’s College London on Strengthening 

 Dear colleagues, I would like to draw your attention to the outcomes- comparative report and executive summaries from UK, The Netherlands, Czech Republic, France, Italy and Denmark from the research project of King’s College London on “Managing workforce change: Strengthening public services social dialogue in an era of austerity “ You will find case examples from municipalities from these countries and how workforce change has been managed. It is maybe as well worth to verify the information form your countries if your union has not been consulted. EPSU has been consulted from time to time on this project. The closing conference as we announced already is taking place on the 21 February. ( see Conference Programme 2013)
All national reports and the comparative report can be downloaded from this website:

Kind regards,
Christine Jakob
EPSU Officer Local and Regional Government/Gender Equality


Advice from EPSU