Wednesday 22 April 2015

Australia Aid - organisations argue with Australian Government for Aid - Australians asked to sign on a lobby and push for our neighbouring Countries ..

We're for Australian Aid - CARE Australia

We need you to interrupt Joe Hockey.

He’s writing the budget right now. Last year, the government announced massive cuts to Australian aid over the next four years. Joe Hockey is expected to announce the first cut, of $1 billion, on Budget night (12 May). If he goes ahead with the cuts, it will be the biggest cut in Australian aid history and make Australia the least generous we’ve ever been.

It’s extremely unfair to the millions of people living in poor communities, working hard to break down the barriers of poverty. Don’t let Joe jeopardise the amazing progress
we’ve made. 

Interrupt Joe Hockey
 Did you know that last year Australian aid:
  • Built more than 9,000 new classrooms

  • Enabled over 1.3 million more children to enrol in school

  • Vaccinated more than 2.3 million children

  • Gave access to critical services to 66,000 survivors of violence against women

  • Gave 2.9 million people access to safe drinking water

  • Responded to emergencies in 24 countries including, Typhoon Haiyan in the Philippines
All this and much more only cost around 1% of the federal budget!

Cuts to Australian aid mean we need to make impossible choices to keep funding life-saving programs, or to cut them. That’s why CARE Australia has united with other aid and development organisations to create the Campaign for Australian aid.

Australians are the kind of people who believe in a fair go, not just for ourselves, but for our global neighbours too. Cutting aid is un-Australian.

We’ve made a handy tool to help you email Joe and your local MP. With your help, this could be the biggest moment for the Campaign for Australian Aid so far!

Interrupt Joe Hockey
With thanks,

CARE Australia