Wednesday 3 June 2015

ILO launches future of work centenary initiative.

At the ILO centenary meeting the General Secretary of the ILO has 
launched the Future of work initiative , based on 4 principles  - 
 The future of work 
      The world of work today
The centenary conversations
 The future of social justice

Guy  Rider the ILO General Secretary stated - 
"This Report returns to the future of work centenary initiative, which I first suggested to the International Labour Conference two years ago. It has attracted a great deal of attention and support, with general feeling that it should stand at the centre of activities to mark the ILO’s 100th anniversary in 2019.
It is therefore timely to give greater substance to the initiative’s content and process, and to obtain the views and guidance of the tripartite constituents on its implementation. Their interest and engagement in the initiative will be decisive for its success.To this end, this Report proposes a three stage implementation plan and discusses the types of issues that could make up four “centenary conversations”, which would give preliminary shape to the initiative, feeding into a high level commission and then the 108th  Session (2019) of the Conference.
Although key issues are highlighted, they are not dealt with exhaustively or in depth. It will be for the initiative itself to do that at the appropriate levels of ambition and intellectual rigour. This Report does not try to anticipate its outputs. Instead, it seeks to address the organizational and scoping issues that are preconditions for the initiative to work. On that basis, its discussion in the Conference plenary provides the opportunity for governments and employers’ and workers’ organizations to shape the initiative and to become active and committed participants in the activities to be carried out under it.
The ambition is not to mark the ILO’s centenary in a purely ceremonial way, but with a process that will help to guide its work
For social justice into its second centenary.
Your views on this Report will be the first steps to realizing that ambition."